Journal de nos actions

Le journal de Rain Drop
Les nouvelles pousses cotoient les arbres des années précédentes. À Mau, les goyaves se dégustent vertes avec un peu de sel. Un mélange courageux qui se révèle pourtant plein de vitalité. Et c’est sans doute grâce à cette vitalité que les arbres poussent si bien dans la pépinière de Ramesh Chandra. Depuis Juillet, Ramesh a planté 6150 arbres sur son...Lire la suite
Participatory Project – Chuhada Water extends as far as my eyes can see. Hundreds of still closed water lilies float on the surface of the water that reflects the sun’s beams. Then, in the distance, a farmer starts shouting some words as he tries to convince his buffalo to enter the water. The stubborn animal does not seem to obey...Lire la suite
The training day for the 2013 “spring of life” project has beyond any doubt been a success. 45 farmers came from the 10 villages that were selected by Rain Drop’s team in India. Many topics were discussed in order to inform the farmers of the region about environmental issues. There were dozens of samosas and ladoos on our plates, and...Lire la suite
tout se transforme
The process of compost creation in Ramesh Chandra’s plant nursery Observing nature’s cycle is best when it comes to nurturing plants.By accelerating the process of natural decomposition,using the leaves falling from their trees, we have started creating a high quality fertilizer. This will be key in maintaining Ramesh’s fast growing trees. [] To guaranty a good structural composition of the...Lire la suite
The project “Spring of life” 2013 has been launched! As we speak, ten villages around Mao have been selected to participate in the project. Their high involvement permits to build appropriate knowledge of the local population and its activities. A first “model” project, which runs until December, depends on the participation of five families in each of the villages. After...Lire la suite
Le 8 septembre dernier, nous avons eu la chance de participer pour la seconde année à la fête du Canal de la Siagne.   Nous étions installés sur le grand pré de St Vallier de Thiey. Nos activités Les photos de nos avancements de projet en Inde ont impressionné. Le public s’est prêté au jeu du quizz sur le thème...Lire la suite

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